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At MIBA, we place a strong emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility. Our fairs exhibitions are largely designed and constructed using components from our rental inventory.

MIBA - jak praktikujeme udržitelnost?
Reusable wooden wall elements.
Banners made from recycled materials.
Aluminum structures from our rental inventory, available in various colors for repeated use.
Modern furniture from our rental inventory.
Custom modular counters and other furniture available from our inventory.
A wide range of reusable flooring options.
Custom-made wooden elements for multiple uses.

How do we implement sustainability
in our exhibition stands for fairs?

Circular Economy

Rental inventory

In our rental inventory, we offer furniture, equipment, structural elements, and lighting that we use efficiently and repeatedly. This approach minimizes waste, conserves natural resources, and reduces emissions.

By doing so, we support the circular economy and provide flexible, sustainable solutions for exhibitors.

Udržitelnost - půjčovní sklady
Green Energy


We use photovoltaic panels to generate electricity, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions and the protection of the environment.

By harnessing solar energy, we reduce the reliance on fossil fuels, which are non-renewable and whose extraction has negative environmental impacts, including deforestation. This approach benefits both the environment and the economy, as well as our company.

Udržitelnost - fotovoltaika


Používáme bannery vyrobené z recyklovaných materiálů, čímž minimalizujeme ekologický dopad našich projektů.

Tímto krokem nejen snižujeme množství odpadu, který by jinak skončil na skládkách, ale také podporujeme cirkulární ekonomiku. Navíc naše recyklované bannery jsou navrženy tak, aby byly odolné a dlouhodobě využitelné, což dále přispívá k udržitelnosti našich činností.

Udržitelnost - Půjčovní sklady